Friday, February 6, 2009

Red Light Camera Trap Uncovered in Italy

An interesting article concerning a scam involving Italian red light cameras is adding to the possibility that red light cameras can be rigged to trap innocent drivers. An Italian programmer for the nation's red light cameras has been accused of conspiring with 63 police officers, 39 government officials and managers of 7 different red light camera companies with intentionally rigging red light cameras to trap drivers into making traffic violations so that they can be ticketed and fined. The programmer would rig the lights to change from yellow to red quicker so as to catch drivers into blowing the red light. The Italian system started in 2007 and the revenues generated by these cameras have been shared by about 300 different cities and towns. The scheme was uncovered when a local police commander noticed a huge increase in the number of red light tickets after the cameras were installed. The officer monitored the red lights in question and discovered that they were switching from yellow to red much faster than they should.

Perhaps this yellow light shorting strategy should be investigated to see if it is happening in our country. It would be a good way to raise money for cash strapped state and local governments.

To read the article click here.

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